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This site offers
the most complete information
about this wonderful TV series.
Updated March 19, 2009. See what's new !

[Grey Ball] My full guide : abstracts of all episodes, information about all characters and the staff !

[Grey Ball] Main Cast and Supporting Cast and what happened to them after The Wonder Years
[Grey Ball] "The Wonder Years" outside the US (episode titles etc)
[Grey Ball] Transcripts of 70 of 115 Episodes
[Grey Ball] Frequently asked questions
[Grey Ball] Publications, Video Tapes, CDs

There is a poll on the Fox's site. So vote to get The Wonder Years out on DVD:
offers alert for DVD release. Please use it; it is a vote for a release.

A German DVD of the first season is to NOT be released in 2006.

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[Grey Ball] Other Sites about "The Wonder Years":

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