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Episode 24 03 Oct 89 "Summer Song"
w: Mark B. Perry
d: Michael Dinner

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"In the third-season opener, the kids seem to have outgrown family vacations as the Arnolds head for the seashore, where Kevin's thoughts of Winnie are washed away once he navigates uncharted waters with an older --and wiser-- girl he met on the beach."

The Arnolds family holiday. Paul comes, but gets a fish allergy. 13-year-old Kevin meets 15-year-old "Teri with an RI" and they go to the pier, Kevin has his first huge kiss. Winnie ends her "summer flirt" (quoting her) with Chip, a lifeguard mentioned in her letter to Kevin before his vacation whom she had met during vacation with her mother in Maine (Chip never appeared on screen). 

Remark: Winnie's letter to Kevin on a sheet of paper with four love bugs on top:
    Front side:

    July 29, 1969 
    Dear Kevin, 
    Hi, everything is fine here. 
    My Aunt's house is right on the 
    beach and Mom and Lou very comfor.. 
    talk.  We've been eating lots of lobste.. 
    echh!  Dad calls everyday a.. 
    talk alot.  I'm getting.. 

Back side:

I've met somebody. 
His name is Chip and 
he's a lifeguard at the 
club my Aunt belongs 
to.  He's also training to 
be an Olympic diver 
when the next Olym.. 
come.  We've been.. 
lots of load.. 
having a.. 

In the previous episode (23), Paul tells Kevin that he will be spending the entire summer away. However here in Episode 24, he is suddenly taking a summer vacation with the Arnold family.

Blood, Sweat & Tears: "Spinning Wheel"
"Sentimental Journey"
"Drunken Sailor" (plays in the restaurant)
The Beach Boys: "Good Vibrations" (scene of Kevin meeting Teri at the beach)
The Beach Boys: "Woudn't It Be Nice" (scene of Kevin and Teri playing along the boardwalk)

Holly Sampson           Teri
Juliette Lewis (yes!)   Delores (Wayne's temporary girlfriend)
Jodi Rae                Young Karen Arnold
Episode 25 10 Oct 89 "Math Class"
w: Tom Gammill & Max Pross
d: Andy Tennant

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"Kevin struts confidently into eighth grade, not figuring on the pressures awaiting him in a driven teacher's math class, where algebra is Greek to Kevin."

Coming back from summer vacation to school is like coming back to earth for astronauts. This time Paul and Kevin do not feel so bad because they have climbed one step up - to 8th grade. In social science the teacher talks about Woodstock, Cutlip stays the same, and in French their elderly teacher shows a wrong slide. All is easy going until the new teacher for math, Mr. Collins, starts set theory. Kevin gets a D on his first pop quiz, thinks it must be a mistake and complains. But the teacher only finds another mistake to make it a D minus. On the other side Paul gets A's, which makes Kevin very angry. He tries to study harder to fulfil his and his parents expectations. But it gets worse. He ends up going to Mr. Collin's help group. See episode 32 and episode 43 for more about Mr. Collins. [no Winnie]

Quote: Kevin: My life is not so boring that my only thrill is math.

Remark: Wayne mentions Delores, his girlfriend, who is not shown in this episode but only in the previous and next one.

Remark: Episode # 25 "Math Class" Kevin is in Miss Martinson's French class.  Then, in Episode # 48, "Ninth Grade Man" Kevin is in Miss Falcinella's French class with new student Madeline he says in narration that "French was a language I simply didn't understand..The only thing he could say to Madeline was "do you want some butter in French...Apparently, he didn't learn anything in the 8th grade French class (by Dennis).

Remark: The TV channels Nickelodeon (US) and RTL2 (Germany) have exchanged episode 25 and 27 in the order of episodes during their reruns.  The original airing was as shown here on my website.

Goof: Mr Collins draws a venn-diagram on the board with a '0' in the right circle. Then he asks something to the class. When he gets back to the board, there is a '2' in the right circle.  The whole drawing is new if you look close (by Peter Schubert).

Goof: In this episode Kevin gets a D on his first math quiz.   He also gets a D on his second quiz.  If you look closely, you'll see that they are the same test (by Michael Wiser).

The Jackson Five: "ABC"
Three Dog Night: "One"
Marius Constant: "The Twilight Zone" (instrumental)
James Taylor: "You Can Close Your Eyes" (from "Mud Slide Slim" album, closing music)

Steven Gilborn          Mr. Collins (math teacher)
Robert Picardo          Mr. Cutlip
Joie Magidow            Miss Martinson (French teacher)
Christopher Fielder     Eager Beaver (student)
Francia DiMase          Hippie Teacher (Social Science teacher)
Siera Samuel            Gil
Josh Berman             Boy
Ian Wade                Kid
Episode 26 24 Oct 89 "Wayne on Wheels"
w: Mark B. Perry

d: Beth Hillshafer

Click for German Transcript on Kyle's Site

"Kevin is driven to distraction by a reckless Wayne, the proud recipient of a driver's license, which gives him license to embarrass Kevin at every turn as he shuttles him to and from the mall."

Delores pushes her boyfriend, Wayne, through the driving exam. In the meantime Kevin has seen a beautiful young girl at the shopping mall who does not get out of his mind. He wants to meet her again but needs a ride to the mall. His mother has promised the car to Wayne, who has finally got his license. She tells Wayne to take Kevin to the place. Paul and Kevin did get there and meet the girl again. She disappears in the movie theatre for "Romeo and Juliette". They follow. After the movie Kevin looks into her eyes. At this very moment Wayne arrives. Kevin has no choice and tries to get into the car. But his brother makes a fool out of him and himself but stopping, makes stupid remarks and starting over again. As a consequence Wayne's driving privilege gets revoked. Paul's girlfriend Carla knows Kevin's girl and arranges a meeting in front of the cinema. Wayne is now allowed to drive again and should drive him again to the mall. But he drives recklessly to intimidate his brother. Finally the car ends in a corn field. Despite this experience a certain understanding develops between them. Kevin does not get to the mall during the next weeks and does not meet his dream girl again. [no Winnie] (for the fate of the car see episode 30)

Remark: In episode 26, Wayne opens a letter with his driver's license and the letter says
Wayne J. Arnold
86 .....den Place
Culver City  Ca. 90230
The street and city are obscured by Wayne's thumb but 90230 equates to Culver City, CA according to the US Postal zip code directory (by Ed Anderson). This agrees with other information that the Arnolds house was filmed there, see newspaper article and "Where The Wonder Years were located".

Remark: There is extensive information about the location where episode 26 was filmed, see e-mail by John Hughes.

The Beach Boys: "I Get Around"

Juliette Lewis          Delores (Wayne's temporary girlfriend)
Jennifer Barron         Dream Girl
Elyse Eberstein         Nerdy Girl
Episode 27 31 Oct 89 "Mom Wars"
w: Todd W. Langen

d: Daniel Stern

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"Kevin--now 13 and on the verge of manhood--tries to avoid the humiliation of his mother's protective vigilance as he plays tackle football after school with his pals."

Kevin plays no-equipment football at the park after school. But his Mum thinks he will get injured. Then she discovers a blood stain on his shirt and starts spying on him. She tries to take him to buy new clothes after school all the time. When she wants to take him out of the game, he refuses and gets his left hand badly injured. When he comes home after dark, his mother tries to comfort him and sends him to the medicine cabinet where Kevin ties his own bandage - "The thing is, it's hard to tie a bandage with just one hand. Sooner or later though, you learn." [No Winnie]

Remark: The TV channels Nickelodeon (US) and RTL2 (Germany) have exchanged episode 25 and 27 in the order of episodes during their reruns.  The original airing was as shown here on my website.

Goof: The design of the Arnolds' house has a goof consistently throughout the series.  The goof is never clearer than in the episode "Mom Wars." Norma is shown clearly washing dishes along the side wall (the side where the driveway is--the left side as you face the house from the street).  The stove is on that wall and the little piece of counter where, for instance, Kevin meets Jack to ask if he can play football.  In scenes shot in the kitchen, the door to the outside is on that same side wall.  But in scenes shot outside, as for instance the scenes where Kevin and Paul play basketball, the door is on the back of the house.  In this episode, Kevin looks in the window at his mom washing dishes; the shot shows no door on the outside of the house on that same side wall.  There is, however, one strange attempt to correct the problem in that episode.  Kevin is shown (from the outside of the house) at one time going out the door and picking up his bike.  In that one shot, the door seems to be in the right place.  But consistently throughout the rest of that episode and throught the rest of the series, the door is on the back of the house when seen from the outside and on the side of the house when seen from the inside (by Ken Stephenson).

Goof: Kevin calls Craig Hobson "Hodges" after Hobson comments on Kevin's new pants in shop class (by Mario Constantino). Both times Doug's last name was mentioned (Norma and Narrator) it is "Porter". But the end titles of the original airing listed Doug Baker.

The Beatles: "Your Mother Should Know" (plays over clips)
J. J. Cale: "Nowhere To Run"
The last song is "The Circle Game" from Joni Mitchell: "Ladies of the Canyon".

Sean Baca               Craig Hobson
Michael Tricario        Randy (Mitchell)
Brandon Crane           Doug Baker (later: Porter)
Ben Stein               Mr. Cantwell
Jim Bullock             Pants Salesman
Episode 28 07 Nov 89 "On the Spot"
w: Matthew Carlson
d: Matia Karrell
"Actors and crew are showing signs of strain before the school production of 'Our Town': Winnie is in the spotlight with a bad case of stage fright; and Kevin is in a labor-management dispute with Paul, who comes down with backstage fright the night of the performance."

Mr. Weber recruits students for the school play - "Our Town." Winnie gets the major role, Emily, and Kevin is the lights man. Paul gets rejected, but want to help him with the lights. He becomes very bossy. Everybody gets excited and nervous but Kevin. Especially Winnie feels stress, because she sees a chance to bring her parents back together, when her dad wants to come over from Chigaco for the play. Paul is sick at the premiere. So Kevin does the lights alone and believes that he keeps Winnie up with the spot. One week later Winnie's dad moves back home, see picture.

Ethel Merman: "There's No Business Like Show Business"
JAM: "That's Entertainment"
From the 1940 movie "Our Town" by Aaron Copeland (plays right at the end of the play when Winnie is giving her final speech)

Nicholas Hormann        Mr. Weber (teacher for performing arts) 
H. Richard Greene       Mr. Cooper (Winnie's father)
Lynn Milgrim            Mrs. Cooper (Winnie's mother)
Sean Baca               Craig Hobson
Joe Elrady              Stage Manager
Parker Jacobs           Mr. Webb
Ryan Francis            George
Episode 29 14 Nov 89 "Odd Man Out"
w: David M. Stern

d: Peter Baldwin
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"Kevin and Paul aren't speaking. And they're determined to mold new friendships, Kevin with 'Mr. Agreeable' Doug Porter, and Paul with loser Brady Ryland."

Kevin and Paul are normally best friends. When they start to get on each other's nerves and have a huge argument, Kevin decides to play with Doug Porter instead. However, he is too bland. Kevin and Paul continue to make each other jealous, but they become close again.

Goof: In episode 29, Kevin picks up his baseball cards before Doug Porter peers in the window. These cards are 1989 Topps cards,  not cards from the 60's (by Michael Wiser).

Goof: Not only are they trading 1989 Topps cards, but when Kevin and Paul ride towards each other on their bikes at the end of the episode, some of the "period" cars in the background include a 1979 Pontiac LeMans and a 1989 Chevy Cavalier (by Fred Donaher).

Goof:  When Kevin is flying the model airplane with Doug Porter, Doug remarks to Kevin that the left stick controls the airplane's up and down movement.  This is incorrect.  It is standard to set up radio control model airplanes with the RIGHT stick controlling up and down (elevator) movement and left/right roll (aileron) movement.  The LEFT stick controls engine throttle and left/right yaw (rudder) movement (by Weezerman).

Goof: One of the microphones is seen on the left side of the screen while Kevin and Doug Porter are in Doug's room deciding what to do (by Pat).

Brandon Crane           Doug Porter
Marty Belafsky          Brady Ryland
Dianne Hull             Mrs. Porter (Doug's mother)
Episode 30 21 Nov 89 "The Family Car"
w: Debra Frank & Jack Weinstein
d: Michael Dinner
"Mid-size miseries turn into full-size woes as the family's aging station wagon sputters to its death, generating hope in a status-conscious Kevin that Dad will finally go shopping for a classy new car."

The Arnold family car is an old wreck and Dad tries to fix it. At school everybody, including Kevin, tries to make fun of the others, which Winnie does not like at all. Then Craig starts to mock about the car. When the car seems to be finally broken, Kevin hopes that they get a fancy new one. The family goes car shopping. There are two candidates, a Mustang convertible and a bland Falcon station wagon. When Dad and the salesman sit together in the office, the rest of the family watches what is going on. Both men yell at eachother, because Mr.Lutz is offering not enough for the old car. Now the family cleans it and put on it on sale. When all the prospective buyers laugh, Kevin fears to inherit it. When the car breaks down, Mr. Arnold buys a new car, which is not that fancy. The old car is towed and Kevin understands that his father wanted to keep it because of the memories and the work he had put into it. (Kevin's grandfather is very much like his son, see episode 81) [one short appearance of Winnie]

Goof:  I remember a big goof from the episode in which the Arnolds trade in the family station wagon.  The episode obviously takes place in 1969;  the "For Sale" sign on the station wagon identifies it as a 1963 model;  Kevin as narrator says the car is nine years old, which would have made it a 1960.  Wrong both times:  it was a 1967 Dodge Monaco.  At the end, the young Kevin and Wayne are seen riding around in it;  if you figure their ages, that means they rode in the car before it was actually made!  (They were right about the new car, though; it was a 1969 Ford LTD.) (by Dixon Hayes). It was a 1969 Ford Galaxy, and not an LTD (by Brandon).

Goof: The episode obviously takes place in 1969;  the "For Sale" sign on the station wagon identifies it as a 1963 model;  Kevin as narrator says the car is nine years old, which would have made it a 1960.  Wrong both times:  it was a 1967 Dodge Polara.  You can read it on the front of the car.  I'm not sure about the year.

Remark: Adam Sneller was spotted sitting at the cafeteria lunch table when Hobson was giving Kevin flack about his dad's car.  Adam later played Stuart Carpizian in episode 71 (by Dennis Barron).

Remark: There is at least one shot of Jack Arnold's old car, and it shows California license plates (by Dick).  See discussion where the show was to take place.

John Phillip Souza: "Stars And Stripes Forever"
Händel: "Hallelujah Chorus"
Johnny Nash: "I Can See Clearly Now" (scene of Arnold's washing their car before selling it)
Neil Young: "Long May You Run" (closing music. Scene of Arnold car being towed away)

Patrick Cronin          Marvin Lutz (car salesman)
Sean Baca               Craig Hobson (classmate)
Jodi Rae                Young Karen Arnold
Biff Yeager             Man
Episode 31 28 Nov 89 "The Pimple"
w: David M. Stern & Todd W. Langen
d: Matia Karrell

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"Nature wreaks havoc on Kevin's appearance, creating a pimple on his once-smooth complexion as he anticipates a visit from a kindergarten chum who has blossomed into a beautiful young girl."

Kevin watches a werewolf movie on TV and thinks about changes of the outside world and of the inside. When his mother receives a letter from the Pruitts which announces their upcoming vist, the whole family mocks about him and their daughter Gina. In the envelope there was also a photo of Gina showing that she has turned into a beautiful girl. Kevin gets excited. In school Mr. Cantwell shows a series of short movies "Catastrophes and Natural Disasters". Next morning Kevin is in the bathroom and looks for the first beard hair. But he discovers only his first pimple. He feels embarassed and tries to hide it all week. When Gina finally comes she has a pimple twice the size.

Goof:  In episode 31 the car shown in the driveway is neither the old Dodge station wagon nor the new car shown at the end of  30 (by Anna Stephenson).

Diana Ross & The Supremes: "Ain't No Mountain High Enough"
"Morning" from Peer Gynt Suite by Edvard Grieg (as Kevin looks in the mirror and sees the pimple for the first time)
"Somewhere Over the Rainbow" - Theme from "The Wizard of Oz" (Kevin and Gina run toward each other through a field)

Heather Green           Gina Pruitt
Ben Stein               Mr. Cantwell
Tony Nittoli            Tony Barbella (older student)
Patricia Nickell        Claire Pruitt (Gina's mother)
Episode 32 12 Dec 89 "Math Class Squared"
w: Matthew Carlson

d: Daniel Stern

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"While Kevin is shocked to discover a cheating ring in his math class, it may be a plus for him to get in on the action when his own grades begin to suffer."

Kevin's maths teacher, Mr. Collins (see episode 25), is his hero. Kevin's grades are getting worse because Mr. Collins grades on a curve while some kids are cheating and getting away with it. McCormick has a teachers' book with solution. Kevin cheats too and is punished by his bad conscience. In the end he realizes that cheating is not the answer when he is put into the advanced algebra class. He eventually moves back to the regular class. See episode 43 for more about Mr. Collins.

Remark: There's a funny reference to Rod Serling's "Twilight Zone". In this episode, Paul Pfeiffer stands as Rod Serling (as he always did) introducing the night's episode (by Mario Nagano)

Marius Constant: "The Twilight Zone"
Paul Simon: "American Tune"

Steven Gilborn          Mr. Collins (math teacher)
Chris Demetral          McCormick (classmate)
Joshua Smith            Bob (classmate who cheats)
Eric Ratican            Ken (classmate who cheats)
Robert Picardo          Mr. Cutlip
Episode 33 02 Jan 90 "Rock 'n Roll"
w: Bob Stevens
d: Michael Dinner
"Kevin thinks joining the rock-and-roll band started by a hip new kid in school would be cool; that is, until it's time to face the music--and his friends--and play the band's first public gig."

After the Beatles have appeared on the Ed Sullivan Show as the hot band, Kevin joins a band - The Electric Shoes - started by Larry who had come from San Francisco. Kevin gets more and more excited about rock'n roll. But his father does not want to buy him an e-guitar ("It is noise!"). So he spends all the money that he has earned during the summer for it - $ 38. The band is not good but the boys have fun. Winnie compares Kevin to Paul McCartney and then to Donnie Osmond. When the band gets its first gig, Kevin is not courageous enough and leaves the band. That Friday night the Arnold family watches a stupid TV show with the Mitch Miller song 'Cause When I'm Paddling Madeline Home. When Wayne and his parents challenge Kevin, he rejoins the band. They play their first concert at Amy Ermin's birthday party. Larry gets nervous and Kevin starts it. When the neighbors complain about the noise, the crowd shouts "Let them play!". One week later the band separates.

The Beatles: "I Wanna Hold Your Hand"
The Who: "My Generation"
The Byrds: "So You Want To Be a Rock'n Roll Star" (plays over scene of Kevin in the band)

Joshua Miller           Larry Beeman (guitar)
Ben Slack               Mr. Ermin
Casey Ellison           Mark Bernstein (drummer)
Dana Young              Neal Rhodes (base)
Stefanie Scott          Amy Ermin
Jodi Rae                Young Karen Arnold
Sean Baca               Craig Hobson
Raye Birk               Mr. Diperna
Episode 34 16 Jan 90 "Don't You Know Anything About Women?"
w: Tammy Ader
d: Jeff Brown

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"Kevin's search for the girl of his dreams involves more than chemistry-- it also means getting up the courage to ask her to the school dance and, in the meantime, enjoying the company of ``just friends''."

Kevin wants to take a pretty lab classmate, Susan, to the dance, but she has a boyfriend. Kevin's other lab partner, Linda, suggests they go "as friends".  Kevin is comfortable as friends with her, and agrees. Meanwhile, Paul has dumped Carla. Later, Susan asks Kevin to save a dance for her. Kevin starts to get worked up about Susan again. After dancing with Kevin, Susan excuses herself, and finds her boyfriend. Kevin slights Linda when she joins Kevin, making her sad. Linda asks Kevin if she can go find Steve Padway, a boy who likes her. Kevin realizes he has hurt Linda, and says yes. Carla requests "Unchained Melody" (which plays) for Paul, and those two get back together. Kevin is left out, and sad. He starts walking around, looking for Winnie. "All our young lives we search for someone to love. We choose partners and change partners. We dance to a song of heartbreak and hope, all the while wondering, if somewhere, somehow, there is someone perfect, who might be searching for us..." Winnie comes in, apparently looking for Kevin, but they don't see each other in the crowd.

Goof: Kevin enters in the Lunch Hall and looks at Susan Fisher. In the meantime his shoulders (with his recognizable dark green shirt) appears behind Susan in the nearest table. In the next sequence Kevin is still on foot at the entrance. (by Terry Passanisi)

Goof: When Kevin is doing experiments with Linda, he takes off his protective glasses. Then he turns around, the camera changes and suddenly he is wearing them again.

Quote: see an interesting one on Ayako's site.

Remark: In your episode guide, you have the character of "Melissa Bemil" listed in Ep 34. She was mentioned, but did not appear in it (by Kyle).

Jackie Wilson: "Your Love, Keeps Lifting Me Higher" (plays when Paul, Kevin and Linda meet at the party)
Tommy Jones and The Shondells: "Crimson And Clover"
The Righteous Brothers: "Unchained Melody" (Closing music: Scene when Kevin and Winnie pass each other at the school dance)

Maia Brewton            Linda Sloan
Kelly Packard           Susan Fisher
Krista Murphy           Carla Healy
Ben Stein               Mr. Cantwell
Elyse Eberstein         Melissa Bemil (classmate)
Sean Wohland            Donald Wallach
Andy Howard             Steve Padway
Episode 35 23 Jan 90 "The Powers That Be"
w: David M. Stern
d: Daniel Stern

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"Kevin studies genetics in his sociology class and also gets a crash course at home, where visiting Grampa Arnold sows seeds of dissension with Jack by bringing Kevin a puppy."

Grampa Arnold (Albert) comes to visit, which puts Jack in a bad mood, as usual. Albert gives presents to the kids - a scarf for Karen (she ties it around her leg), a whistle for Wayne (he used to scare birds with it), and a puppy for Kevin. The dog upsets Jack even more, because it is a big responsibility he doesn't think Kevin is ready for. The dog manages to eat Jack's report he is working on, as well as pee on the rug. Jack and Albert get into arguments about little things over the next few days. Jack tries to explain to Kevin what the problem is (as Albert runs over the lamp-post for the second time), but gives up, saying "Never mind, you wouldn't understand. It's about fathers and sons." Later, Kevin tries to give the dog back, because he thinks it is the cause of the arguments, but Albert won't take it back. Jack and Albert have a large argument, because Jack  thinks Albert should have askes his permission to give the dog to Kevin.  Albert leaves early the next morning. Kevin awakens to find Jack out front with the dog. Jack now wants Kevin to keep the dog, which upsets Kevin..."First you tell me I can't have a dog - then you tell me I should keep it! What about my decision? Doesn't it count?". Jack tells Kevin that they need a dog, each of them, because it will be good for the family, and they agree to keep it. [no Winnie]

Not a goof:  Towards the end of episode 35, when the adult Kevin is talking about his grandpa being the dad of his dad, and that his dad would eventually be the grandfather of Kevin's sons....the adult Kevin is telling us the story of his life as a current adult, so he should know whether his father would become a grandfather or not.  Well, in the very last episode, he tells us that his father would die in two years and Wayne would take over the furniture company.  That means that Kevin's father would have never seen Kevin's son, and never could have been a grandfather, even though the adult Kevin told us he would in episode 35.  Clearly a writer's goof who didn't take a look at episode 35 before writing the last episode (by Chris Peters).  BUT:  You note that Kevin's dad could NOT be a grandfather if he had died "two years later"  Well his Dad WAS a grandfather, but perhaps not to Kevin's kids.  Don't you remember on the last episode, KAREN had a kid, which would make Kevin and Karen's dad a GRANDFATHER, right? (by Dennis). BUT: Regardless of being dead or alive, Jack was Kevin's father, and would appear as Kevin's children's grandfather in a family tree (by Kyle).

Rufus Thomas: "Walkin' the Dog"
The Byrds: "Turn! Turn! Turn!"

Gary Grossman           Mr. Corey  (biology teacher)
Jodi Rae                Young Karen Arnold
David Huddleston        Grampa Arnold
Episode 36 06 Feb 90 "She, My Friend, and I"
w: Kerry Ehrin

d: Peter Baldwin
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"When Carla calls it quits with Paul, Kevin wrestles with the notion of playing matchmaker for his best friend, never imagining that a relationship could blossom between Paul and Winnie."

Carla breaks up with Paul. Kevin sets him up with Winnie to get Carla jealous. However, Kevin still likes Winnie. Wayne is together with Delores. They watch "Mr. Ed" at home together with Kevin. In the meantime Paul becomes really interested in Winnie. Kevin hates watching this and nearly kill Paul In Cutlip's wrestling class. But Winnie only likes Paul as a friend and lets him down lightly. Paul tells Kevin that she said she likes somebody else. Full of enthusiasm Kevin goes over to Winnie's house and tells her that she is madly in love with him according to Paul ("Paul told me..."). Winnie goes off! (to be continued)

Guy Lombardo: "Auld Lang Syne"

Robert Picardo          (Ed) Cutlip
Juliette Lewis          Delores
Krista Murphy           Carla Healey
Episode 37 13 Feb 90 "The St. Valentine's Day Massacre"
w: Mark B. Perry
d: Matia Karrell
"On Valentine's Day, Kevin is set adrift in a leaky boat on the sea of love, where he flounders trying to win back the affections of Winnie."

The next day Winnie accuses Kevin to be rude and insensitive. And Carla ignores Paul until he gives her Valentine card and she returns a hug. Therefore Kevin makes Winnie also a card ("Dear Valentine, Please forgive me! Love, Kevin"). He fails to give it directly to her and asks a 7th grader to put it in her locker. But it is put in Becky Slater's by mistake. He remembers being knocked out by her (in episode 11). She refuses to give it back and gives him a kiss in public. Being in such deep trouble Kevin asks Mrs. Heimer for advice. She quotes "Cyrano de Bergerac". He tries to confront Winnie in the library, but Becky intervenes. After a short discussion she returns his card. When he walks home, Becky takes her bicycle and runs over Craig (obvious quote of the wicked witch from "The Wizard of Oz"). Further on his way he meets Winnie who calls him an idiot: "You're such a jerk...why did you have to embarrass me like that?" But finally she admits that she still likes him and has told Paul the truth.

Goof:  How could there have been school on Valentine's Day (as well as a history test the next day, which Kevin asked Winnie if they wanted to study together for), because it fell on a Saturday in 1970?  (By the way, Feb. 14 fell on a Friday in 1969, and on a Sunday in 1971) (from Timothy R. Mottaz).

Goof: Winnie is walking across the street from Kevin, and behind her are some of those low-voltage landscape lights that did not become popular until the 80's(by Dennis Barron).

Remark: The 7th grade boy that skipped a grade and was on his way to archery class (the kid that Kevin asks to put the valentine into Winnie's locker) is actually his brother in real life, Ben Savage (from Chris Peters).

Remark: The character of "Melissa Bemil" is not mentioned in your guide for Episode 37, in which she appeared and had a speaking part. Also, in the supporting cast guide, you have her in "34", but not "37" (by Kyle).

The Beatles: "All You Need is Love" (opening music over scene of clips of young Arnold family)
Jimmy Ruffin (?questioned?): "What Becomes of the Broken Hearted" (plays over clips of Winnie)
Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell: "You're All I Need to Get By" (Closing music. Kevin and Winnie have just said they like each other. They join hands and walk home.)

Wendel Meldrum          Mrs. Heimer (formerly Miss White)
Crystal McKellar        Becky Slater
Sean Baca               Craig Hobson
Ben Savage              Curtis Hartsell
Krista Murphy           Carla Healy
Jean Palmerton          Mrs. Dougherty (teacher)
Tony Nittoli            Tony Barbella
Episode 38 20 Feb 90 "The Tree House"
w: Matthew Carlson (teleplay), David M. Stern (story)
d: Michael Dinner

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"Kevin and his dad find a common bond amid tools and lumber while building a treehouse, and also while feasting their eyes on an attractive neighbor."

During Jack's week-off from work, he and his toolbox are busy around the house. As he starts to tackle the problem of the hinges of Norma's good crystal cabinet, Norma deflects him by suggesting he and Kevin do something together - build a treehouse. Meanwhile Doug is in a state of shock - he had "the talk" about sex from his dad. Reluctant at first, Kevin and Jack get into the swing off things, until the actractive neighbor-lady, Donna, "the singing gardener", makes them nervous and uncomfortable as she tends her tomatoes while wearing a low-cut blouse, and singing. Norma has befriended the neighbor at the market, and the neighbor drops by with a basketful of tomatoes. When Kevin and Jack enter the kitchen for a break, Donna sits there with Norma - uncomfortably for the guys. Norma figures out what is going on, later, after she climbs up the treehouse and sees the neighbor in the yard - and gives Jack a funny look for years to come when the word "tomato" is mentioned. So the treehouse is never finished. [no Winnie]

Remark: Donna, the neighbor, sings "Let's Call the Whole Thing Off," by George and Ira Gershwin, and "Qué Será Será," by Jay Livingston and Ray Evans.

Richard Wagner: "The Ride of the Valkyries"
James Brown: "Papa's Got A Brand New Bag" (Kevin and Jack are building the treehouse)
Jewel Akens: "(Let Me Tell You About) the Birds and the Bees"

Janet Wood              Donna
Sean Baca               Craig Hobson
Brandon Crane           Doug Porter
Episode 39 27 Feb 90 "The Glee Club"
w: Todd W. Langen (teleplay)
Bob Brush & Todd W. Langen (story)
d: Jim McBride
"Kevin and the other members of the stout-hearted Boys' Glee Club struggle to find their voices in preparation for the Spring Sing assembly."

Music plays an important role at Kennedy Highschool. There are "The Kennedy Chorale", "Kennedy Madrigals", "Now-Tones" and at the end Satan's own choir, the 8th grade boys glee club. The teacher and the class are satisfied that they cannot sing. One student, Warren, does not utter anything at all. Suddenly a new student teacher takes over who actually wants to turn them into a good choir, and signs them up for the Spring Sing. In the schoolbusWinnie defends the new teacher and Kevin tries to adjust. The boys put pressure on him, so that he changes his mind and asks her to cancel the event. She starts to cry in front of the class. Warren starts to sing and during the next weeks the class makes some progress. But at the concert it turns into a disaster, and they never see her teacher again. Song: Stout Hearted Men.

"Stout Hearted Men"
Rodger & Hammerstein: "Climb Every Mountain"

Andrea Walters          Miss Haycock (one-time music teacher)
William Lanteau         Mr. Frace (music teacher)
Jeffrey Baum            Warren Butcher (classmate, the narrator calls him Warren Gander)
Brandon Crane           Doug Porter
Dustin Diamond          Joey Lapman
Michael Tricario        Randy Mitchell
Troy W. Slaten          Eric
Episode 40 13 Mar 90 "Night Out"
w: Todd W. Langen & Mark B. Perry (teleplay), Tammy Ader (story)
d: Dan Lauria

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"Now a couple, Kevin and Winnie get invited to Robbie Hudson's notorious make-out party, where the usually self-assured Kevin gets cold feet."

Robbie Hudson invites the "new" couples at school to a make out party. Kevin and Winnie are somewhat embarrassed, because "they hadn't made out in real life". Winnie agrees to go to "get it over with", which makes Kevin a bit cautious - as does Wayne's story about the guy who suffocated during a French kiss, and Mr. Cantwell's film about the horny toad. They get picked to be the first couple into the make-out room. They sit uncomfortably, then Winnie runs out. Later that night, Winnie comes to Kevin's window, and asks him outside to talk. They go to a little park. Great ending - Winnie tries to explain, and Kevin tries to understand. Winnie says "I did want to kiss you - just not then." Kevin asks when, and she kisses him. Elton John "Seasons" plays over shots of them sitting and talking. They both start to run off as the frame freezes.

Goof: When Kevin and Winnie reach an agreement about Robbie Hudson's invitation to his "make out" party, Winnie stares at Robbie. But Robbie had already left at the end of his invitation (by Terry Passanisi).

Goof: In the cafeteria Carla hits Paul's right cheek. But when Kevin sees Paul in the hallway, he holds his left cheek (by Ansgar).

Remark:  Take a good look at Hobson's neck during the lunch scene where Robbie Hudson invites everyone to his party.  He seems to have a rather large hicky on his left side (by Adam Mallinger).

The Turtles: "Happy Together" (opening music over clip from Romeo and Juliet, then shots of Kevin and Winnie)
The McCoys: "Hang on Sloopy"
Joey Dee and Starliters: "Shout" (plays at Robbie Hudson's party)
Iron Butterfly: "In a Gadda-da-vida" (plays on radio when Kevin and Winnie are in Robbie Hudson's make-out room)
Elton John: "Seasons" (closing music, plays after Winnie kisses Kevin on bridge)

Krista Murphy           Carla Healy 
Sean Baca               Craig Hobson
Ben Stein               Mr. Cantwell
Crystal McKellar        Becky Slater
Greg Davis              Robbie Hudson
H. Richard Greene       Mr. Cooper
Episode 41 27 Mar 90 "Faith" or <Death and Taxes >
w: Matthew Carlson (teleplay)
Bob Brush & Matthew Carlson (story)
d: Michael Dinner
"Jack is taxed with the inevitable--April 15 income-tax woes. And Kevin is taxed with uncertainties about the future--and an assignment to write his own obituary."

Meanwhile Apollo 13 mission is on, and the world is tense as things go wrong. When Jack Arnold has to fill out his 1040 tax form in April, he gets grumpy. The family knows how to react. Kevin sets the volume of the TV, Wayne should be invisible and Mom supplies the stomache medizine and keeps the receipts for the taxes. Mrs. Stebbins, the teacher, asks Kevin to write his own obituary, but he has no idea what to write. He asks his dad and he answers: "I get up at 5 in the morning, I fight traffic, I bust my hump all day, then I fight traffic again, then I pay my taxes - The End". Mrs. Arnold cannot find the receipts and does not seem to be okay . She even goes to church alone and lights some candles. Kevin follows her and is very much worried. In the end, his parents reconstruct their expenses and file the 1040 without the receipts, and most of their worrying was for the Apollo 13 astronauts. [no Winnie]

Goof: Paul is chronologically out-of-sequence when they tell their autobiographies. Susan Kelly, Peter Armbruster, Black boy, "E. F. Hutton" at 9:10, "Lizzy Borden", Paul 9:40 (both shots), then Kevin is 9:11 (three shots) (by Kyle Gittins).

Judy Collins: "Amazing Grace"

Salome Jens             Mrs. Stebbins (teacher)
Emily Schulman          Susan (classmate)
Mya Akerling            Christine (classmate)
Josh Berman             Harold (classmate)
Troy Searcy             Martin (classmate)
Yunoka Doyle            Debbie (classmate)
Billy Joe Wright        Larry (classmate)
Michael Bower           Joe (classmate)

Episode 42 17 Apr 90 "The Unnatural"
w: Ian Gurvitz
d: Mick Marck
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"For Kevin, springtime brings baseball tryouts and the sinking realization that his father may be pulling strings with the coach to get Kevin on the team."

Full of spirit Paul signs up for the baseball team. When it comes to the tryouts, he goes down by three strikes. But Coach Baker sees Kevin's potential from the advice he has given to Paul. He challenges him and Kevin has a first lucky hit. Although being quite bad, Kevin keeps making the cut. He thinks it is only because his Dad went to Korea with the coach. When he asks the coach, he answers it is Kevin's attitude and that his dad has saved his life. At the final cut, Kevin sees his name crossed out and the burden is lifted. Winnie arrives and he hits a homer. Was it reality or memory?

Remark: In the sequence where Kevin imagines his father and Coach Baker fighting in Korea (in a B&W TV-movie), some combat scenes (like the mortar shot and the enemy charge) were taken from John Wayne's "The Green Berets" movie. That means, the bad guys in the sequence were Vietcongs, not Korean or Chinese Commies! (by Mario Nagano)

Remark: Kevin misses third base when he runs the bases.

Quote: Adult Kevin: I'm not sure how I did it. My memories begins with the crack of the bat, and the sight of the ball rising. Maybe that's not exactly what It happens. But that's the way It should have happen -- and that's the way I like to remembering. And if dreams and memories sometimes get confused to well... That is it should be, because every kid deserves to be a hero... Every kid already is... (by Mario Nagano).

Norworth/Von Tilzer: "Take Me Out To The Ballgame"

Christian Guzek         Kid #1
Michael Burns           Kid #2
Scott Saunders          Catcher
Harrison Page           Coach (Stud) Baker (baseball coach)
Episode 43 24 Apr 90 "Goodbye"
w: Bob Brush
d: Michael Dinner
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"Seeking praise from Mr. Collins, Kevin sets out to accomplish the impossible: changing his C average in math to an A." or
"Seeking praise from Mr. Collins (Steven Gilborn), Kevin sets out to change a C in math to an A, and in the process develops new respect for his teacher."

Mr. Collins is a tough math teacher (see episode 25 and episode 32). Paul thinks of himself being a loser because of an A minus. Kevin on the other side shows a flat C performance, but his idol is Mr. Collins. He works harder and gets a B. Mr. Collins sets his goal to an A and offers him some private lessons. Shortly before the exam the math teacher pulls out of the lessons for a mysterious appointment. Kevin feels betrayed and returns a sheets of paper with stupid answers such as "Who cares". After the weekend he feels bad and want to apologize. Monday Mr. Diperna tells him that Mr. Collins has died and that his exam is missing. Kevin resits his exam and aces it. He says to the assistant principal who gave the test: You don't have to grade it. It's an "A".  [Only one short scene with Winnie, does not talk.]

Linda Ronstadt: "Goodbye My Friend" (from "Cry Like A Rainstorm - Howl Like The Wind") (closing music) (not Mary Hopkin)

Steven Gilborn          Mr. Collins
Sean Baca               Craig Hobson
Raye Birk               Mr. Diperna
Phyllis Flax            Teacher
Episode 44 01 May 90 "Cocoa and Sympathy"
w: Winnie Holzman

d: Peter Baldwin

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"Paul's ego is sagging after he's unofficially named ``brainiest guy'' in his class, and it's Norma who comes to the rescue." or
"Norma (Alley Mills) has the remedy for Paul's bruised ego when he's unofficially named "brainiest guy" in his class."

You have to go through daily excercise to become a good comedian. The Arnold children are like The Three Stooges: always the same trouble. Their mom plays the serious reliable part. In school Lisa Berlini's poll is the main topic - Kevin gets best eyes and Paul gets brainiest. Paul thinks its because he wears glasses. But Mrs Arnold tells him glasses make the man. She mentions Arthur Miller and Marilyn Monroe. Paul develops self-confidence and a close relation to Mrs Arnold. They drink cocoa milk and even go to a concert. When Paul tries to give her a red rose, she refuses it. But she enjoys being admired. At the end Kevin and his mother have a great talk. [no Winnie]

Lovin'Spoonful: "Did You Ever Have To Make Up Your Mind"
Nat King Cole: "Unforgettable"

Sean Baca               Craig Hobson
Brandon Crane           Doug Porter
Michael Tricario        Randy Mitchell
Joshua Waggoner         Nerd
Episode 45 08 May 90 "Daddy's Little Girl"
w: Todd W. Langen & Mark B. Perry
d: Jim McBride
"Kevin finds himself in the middle of guerilla warfare between Jack and the rebellious Karen on the eve of her 18th birthday."

Karen's 18th birthday is coming up and she wants to enlist at a really liberal college. But her father wants to keep the regulations in place that he has set up for her when she was young. Kevin tries to stay neutral but gets some hits, too. When it gets tense, Mr. Arnold takes his boys on his golf course and they see that he has some understanding for her. When Kevin tells Winnie about Karen, she takes her position. For her birthday Karen does not want a party, a cake or presents. Kevin realizes that he has not had a decent conversation with her fro more than a year. Finally they talk and Kevin sees that she has many questions to life. When her parents has set the cake and the candles, she wants to leave right away. Dad stops her and gives her his old army backpack as a present. She finds his ID tags and this builds a bridge between them. She leaves and Dad let her go.

Goof: Karen's 18th birthday cake had 19 candles on it (by Helen Jones). Russ wrote me: "In my family, we always put an extra candle on the birthday cake, it was called the "one to grow on" candle. My wife's family always did that as well, so did some other families I knew. I asked both my family and hers, no one knows exactly WHY it was was just something that always WAS. We are both French-Canadian, if that means anything...but no, I cannot trace that tradition back to a certain background. SO, the Arnold's may have been one of those families that had that tradition."

Editing Goof: During the argument after Jack returns from his walk, two people pass on the sidewalk behind him. Then there is a shot of Kevin, then one of Karen. The next shot of Jack still has the people walking across the background (by Kyle).

Maurice Chevalier: "Thank Heaven for Little Girls"
Judy Collins: "Who Knows Where Time Goes"

[no features]

Episode 46 16 May 90 "Moving"

w: Jill Gordon & Bob Brush
d: Michael Dinner

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"The foundation of Kevin's world may be crumbling as he hears rumblings from his dad about selling the house, and as goodbyes are said on the last day of school."

Jack complains about dry-rot in the basement, causing Kevin to think Jack is going to sell the house. At Hobson's suggestion, Kevin buys a ring ("insurance") for Winnie. Kevin doesn't know how to tell Winnie they are going to move, and finally blurts it out. Winnie takes it pretty well. Later, Jack unintentionally tells Kevin the Cooper's are moving. Kevin is upset, but thinks he and Winnie will still have to rest of the summer together - until she tells him they are moving in three weeks. Later, he tries to give the ring to Winnie, but she won't accept it. Kevin throws the ring into the trash. Kevin at first is heartbroken. Great scene of Kevin and Winnie in the moving van as they are saying goodbye. Winnie had retrieved the ring from the trash, and shows it to Kevin. They tenderly hug. Kevin attends Karen's graduation, instead of watching Winnie leave. Later, Kevin realizes his world will just have to get bigger (by four miles) and rides off to Winnie's on his bike.

Remark: In episode 51 there is another but different jeweler.

Remark: Kevin compares Winnie's moving four miles across town to moving from New York to Paris.  And in the final episode she does go away to Paris, could this be some foreshadowing here?  If so, this says that Kevin does live in New York.  But later in the episode, Craig Hobson says that all the guys at Lincon surf.  Where would one surf, NY, or CA?  This clue points to California. This a prime example of how the writers give clues to the two locations, but never give it away, and let our minds 'wonder' about it (by Robbie Johnston).  See Discussion about Where.

Goof: This episode takes place at the end of Kevin's 8th-grade year, in June 1970.  It has already been established, in the previous season's episode of Paul's bar mitzvah ("Birthday Boy"), that Kevin turned 13 in March (of 1969).  By June 1970, Kevin must be 14; yet he refers to himself as 13. (Maybe he was so upset over Winnie's moving that he forgot about his last birthday?) (by Rick Weiner).

Quote: NARRATOR: Thirteen is a crazy age. You're too young to vote and too old not to be in love. You live in a house someone else owns...

The Temptations: "My Girl"

Krista Murphy           Carla Healy
Sean Baca               Craig Hobson
Ben Stein               Mr. Cantwell
Richard H. Green        Mr. Cooper
Lynn Milgrim            Mrs. Cooper
Crystal McKellar        Becky Slater
David Byrd              Jeweler

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