The Wonder Years - Transcript

Episode 63: "When Worlds Collide"

Written by Eric Gilliland
Transcribed by Kyle Gittins
Edited and corrected by Peter Reynders



["Soul Man" - Sam & Dave plays.]

NARRATOR: *** There were no two ways about it.

[KEVIN smiles and high-fives a kid.]

NARRATOR: When I was fourteen...

[KEVIN bumps into another kid.]

NARRATOR: I was a pretty cool kid.

[KEVIN moves to his locker.]

NARRATOR: Not in the ninety-ninth-percentile of coolness, maybe, but definitely top third of my class.

Cut to


[KEVIN is walking up the sidewalk confidently, bouncing and carrying his basketball.]

NARRATOR: I knew the walk. I knew the talk. I had my own

[KEVIN pauses at his driveway, and glances over his shoulder.]

NARRATOR: But like a lot of cool kids my age, I did have one tragic flaw.

[Wide shot past KEVIN of the house, as he approaches it.]

NARRATOR: One terrible secret that threatened the very fabric of my fragile image.

[Music end.]

Cut to


[Shot of the door as KEVIN enters.]

NARRATOR: I, Kevin Arnold...

[Shot of NORMA looking up from the sink and smiling.]

NORMA: Hi, honey!
[Shot of KEVIN.]

KEVIN: Hi, Mom.

NARRATOR: Had a mom.

[Shot of NORMA.]

NORMA: Did you have a good day at school?

[Shot past NORMA as KEVIN sets his ball down.]

KEVIN: Yeah!

NORMA: Well, I'm glad. [Smiles.]

[Shot of NORMA taking off her apron.]

NARRATOR: Don't get me wrong - I liked my mother. She was good to me.

[NORMA looks toward KEVIN off-screen and smiles.]

NORMA: Hungry?

[Close shot of KEVIN putting his jacket on the chair-back.]

KEVIN: Nah...

[Close shot of NORMA as she tilts her head and smiles.]

[Close shot of KEVIN.]

KEVIN: Well, a little. [Smiles.]

[Shot past NORMA as KEVIN sits down, and NORMA opens the oven.]

NORMA: Good! I made you a grilled-cheese sandwich!

[Shot past KEVIN of NORMA approaching with a plate.]

NARRATOR: She made me grilled-cheese sandwiches...

NORMA: Milk?

[Close shot of KEVIN.]

KEVIN: Thanks!

[Shot past KEVIN as NORMA picks up the basketball, walks toward the cabinet, and sets the ball on the counter.]

NARRATOR: She poured my milk...

[NORMA gets a glass from the cabinet, and smiles at KEVIN.]

NORMA: Oh - and I sewed that button on the shirt that you like - so you can wear it tomorrow.

NARRATOR: She sewed my buttons...

[Close shot of KEVIN.]

KEVIN: That's great, Mom.

[Close shot of NORMA smiling as she approaches with the milk.]

NORMA: And, I went shopping for you today.

[Close shot of KEVIN pausing.]

KEVIN: You did? [Smiles.]

[Shot past KEVIN of NORMA smiling, then returning to far end of the kitchen.]

NORMA: Uh-huh.

NARRATOR: Face it. The woman loved me.

[NORMA is reaching into a large bag.]

[Close shot of KEVIN smiling as he eats.]

NARRATOR: She knew me better than anyone in the world. Which of course...was the problem.

[Close shot of NORMA as she approaches, smiling, holding something behind her back.]

NORMA: Look!

[NORMA holds up a pair of white briefs.]

NORMA: Underpants! [Smiles.]

[Close shot of KEVIN pausing over his milk.]

[Close shot of NORMA smiling.]

NORMA: Your favorite kind!

[The camera zooms in on the underwear, with some squeaky music.]

NARRATOR: She knew...too much.

[Close shot of KEVIN.]

[Sound of sports buzzer.]

Cut to


[Shot of JACK, WAYNE, and KEVIN on the couch. Basketball is on TV.]

[Shot of NORMA at the dining table, taking off her apron.]

NARRATOR: Still, like a lot of housewives of her time, what Mom knew was pretty much limited to her domain.

[Shot of NORMA with laundry.]

NORMA: Oh, Jack, the dryer's been acting up again - I had to change the filter on it today.

[Close shot of JACK.]

JACK: Eh...[Nods.]

[Shot of NORMA approaching.]

NORMA: And I put a new shower curtain up in the bathroom.

[Shot of NORMA arranging things on the coffee table in front of the guys.]

NARRATOR: And, so long as what she did in her world didn't interfere with our world...

[Close shot of NORMA.]

[Shot past the TV of NORMA and the guys on the couch.]

NARRATOR: That was fine with us.

[NORMA walks to the TV and stands in front of it.]

[Shot of NORMA in front of the TV, holding some magazines.]

NORMA: And...I've got some news. I was in line this morning at the A & P...

[Close shot of JACK frowning and resting the remote against his head.]

NORMA [V/O]: And Marietta Milburn was ahead of me.

[Shot of NORMA.]

NORMA: She mentioned that her next-door neighbor had just quit her job, and they needed someone to fill her position.

[Shot of JACK, KEVIN and WAYNE on the couch. They have no reaction.]

NORMA [V/O]: Just temporarily.

[Shot of NORMA smiling.]

[Close shot of JACK.]

[Shot of NORMA smiling.]

[Close shot of JACK.]

JACK: So...[Gestures.]

[Close shot of NORMA.]

NORMA: So, I went in. [Smiles.]

[Shot of JACK looking toward KEVIN.]

[Shot of KEVIN looking toward JACK.]

NORMA [V/O]: It's...mostly just light typing and filing, nothing difficult...

[Shot of WAYNE.]

[Shot of NORMA.]

NORMA: And I'd be home in plenty of time to cook dinner. [Smiles.]

[NORMA smiles.]

NORMA: What do you think?

[NORMA smiles and nods.]

[Shot past NORMA of the three guys.]

NARRATOR: Now obviously what was required here was a show of enthusiasm.

[Wider shot of NORMA smiling in front of the TV.]

NARRATOR: However half-hearted.

[Close shot of JACK.]

JACK: Fine with me then...[Gestures.]

[Close shot of KEVIN smiling.]

KEVIN: Sounds great, Mom. [Smiles.]

[Shot of WAYNE. He frowns.]


[Close shot of NORMA looking at WAYNE expectantly.]

[Shot past NORMA of the guys on the couch.]

WAYNE: You're blocking the TV!

[Shot of NORMA.]


[NORMA looks at the TV.]

NORMA: I'm sorry!

[She giggles and moves over.]

NARRATOR: And, the decision had been made.

NORMA: Well, then...I guess...[gestures]...that's that! [Nods.]

[Shot past NORMA of the guys on the couch, as she walks behind it.]

NARRATOR: After all, if a little meaningless clerical work could brighten her day, nothin' wrong with that.

[Close shot of JACK, as he half-turns to NORMA in the background.]

JACK: So where is this job?

[Close shot of NORMA.]

NORMA: In the attendance office at Kevin's school. [Smiles.]

[Close shot of KEVIN frowning in horror and quickly looking over his shoulder, then forward.]

[Sound of sports buzzer.]

NARRATOR: It was the cool kid's worst nightmare.

Cut to


[NORMA is in the closet, reaching up to the shelf.]

[Shot of KEVIN approaching.]

KEVIN: Mom? Listen, about this job.

[Shot past KEVIN as NORMA pulls out the typewriter.]

NORMA: Gimme a hand with this, will ya? Oh...whew! It's been so long since I've actually typed! Wonder if it's like riding a bicycle. [Smiles.]

[Close shot of KEVIN.]

NARRATOR: Seemed to me, this was a little more critical than typewriters or bicycles.

KEVIN: Mom? Are you sure this is a good idea?

[Shot past KEVIN as NORMA looks at dresses.]

[Close shot of KEVIN.]

KEVIN: I just wondered, you know, if you'd thought this all through.

[Shot past KEVIN of NORMA.]

NORMA: How do you mean, honey?

KEVIN: Well, you know, a big decision like this isn't something you just want to rush into.

NORMA: Oh...[laughs]...I see.

NARRATOR: There! All I had to do was detail the greater ramifications.

NORMA: Which one do you think I should wear?

[Shot of KEVIN frowning.]


[Close shot of NORMA look at KEVIN with concern.]

NORMA: Kevin! You're really worried about this, aren't you?

NARRATOR: God bless the woman.

[Close shot of KEVIN.]

KEVIN: Kinda. [Smiles.]

[Close shot of NORMA.]

NORMA: Well, don't be. Just because I'm going to work doesn't mean I'm going to neglect you.

[Close shot of KEVIN.]

KEVIN: What?

[Close shot of NORMA.]

NORMA: I may have a job, but I'm still your mother. And you're still my little boy.

[NORMA rubs KEVIN's head.]

NARRATOR: It wasn't exactly a comforting thought.

NORMA: Gimme that! [Smiles.]

[NORMA takes the typewriter, sets it on the bed, and starts dusting it off.]

NARRATOR: Still, sooner or later, Mom would realize what a bad idea this was. All she needed was a little time to think it over.

[Shot of KEVIN frowning, and walking away.]

NORMA [V/O]: What time shall we leave tomorrow?

[KEVIN pauses and turns.]

KEVIN: Tomorrow?

[Shot of NORMA.]

NORMA: I start at nine - we can drive to school together! [Smiles.]

[Shot of KEVIN.]

KEVIN: Thanks...[smiles]...but I think I'll take the bus. [Exits.]

[Sound of beeping car horn.]

Cut to


[NORMA is smiling at KEVIN as she drives.]

NORMA: This is fun, isn't it?

[Shot past NORMA of KEVIN nodding half-heartedly.]

NARRATOR: So much for public transportation.

[Shot of NORMA.]

NORMA: I have never seen you dawdle so long, getting ready for school.

[Shot past NORMA of KEVIN.]

KEVIN: Sorry.

[NORMA looks at her dress and adjusts her hat.]

NORMA: You think I'm dressed OK?

[Shot past KEVIN of NORMA.]

NARRATOR: Actually, she looked kinda like an astronaut's wife.

[Shot past NORMA of KEVIN.]

KEVIN: You look fine, Mom.

NARRATOR: Now if she could only look invisible.

[Shot past KEVIN of NORMA.]

NORMA: I'm just sorry we won't be able to see each other more.

[Shot of KEVIN pausing.]

KEVIN: What do you mean?

[Shot of NORMA.]

NORMA: Well, I'll probably be cooped up in the attendance office all day. I don't think I'll even have time to say hello.

[Shot of KEVIN.]

KEVIN: You won't?

[Shot of NORMA frowning and shaking her head.]

[Shot of KEVIN looking off and smiling.]

NARRATOR: Well, then - things were looking up.

Cut to


[Shot of the parking lot as NORMA pulls past a parked bus, into an empty parking space.]

NARRATOR: Maybe once we got to school, no one would even know she was there.

[They step out of the car.]

NARRATOR: Once we actually got to school.

[NORMA pauses and rests her box of things on the trunk.]

NORMA: Ready?

[Shot of KEVIN looking toward school.]

[Shot of the building, and students.]

[Shot of KEVIN ducking behind the car as NORMA starts to walk of with her box.]

NORMA: Kevin?!

[Shot past the car.]

KEVIN [V/O]: Uh...You go ahead, Mom. I got a, uh...a knot in my shoelace.

[Shot of NORMA.]

NORMA: You want any help? I may have an extra one in my -

KEVIN [V/O]: No! No really, thanks!

[Shot of NORMA as she looks at her watch.]

NORMA: But, I don't wanna be late!

[Shot of KEVIN kneeling near the rear tire.]

KEVIN: No, no - wouldn't want that!

NORMA [V/O]: Well, then...

KEVIN: Seeya, Mom! [Waves.]

[Shot of NORMA hesitating, then smiling and walking away.]

[Shot of KEVIN peeking over the car.]

[Sound of school bell.]

Cut to


[Wide shot of the class as KEVIN enters.]

NARRATOR: So, I'd passed the critical hurdle. I'd crossed the mine field. With mom safely stashed in the attendance office...

[KEVIN high-fives a class-mate, and sits down.]

NARRATOR: I was feeling good again. Cool again.

PAUL [V/O]: Hey! Kev!

[PAUL approaches.]

[Shot past KEVIN of PAUL.]

PAUL: Guess who I ran into at the attendance office? Your mom! Oh - she wanted me to give this to you.

[PAUL fishes in his pocket, and dangles a shoelace in front of KEVIN.]

NARRATOR: Oh, my gosh!

[KEVIN looks around in embarrassment.]

[Shot past KEVIN of PAUL and the shoelace.]

NARRATOR: There was only one way to handle this.

[Shot past the shoelace as KEVIN laughs exaggeratedly, and points at PAUL.]

KEVIN: That's a pretty good one, Paul!

[Shot past KEVIN of PAUL.]

PAUL: Huh?

[Close shot of KEVIN.]

KEVIN: My mother?

[Wider shot of KEVIN, PAUL, and other students.]

KEVIN: I don't even have a mother! [Gestures.]

PAUL: What?

KEVIN: Well, of course I have a mother - but she's not here, Paul.

[Shot past KEVIN of PAUL.]

KEVIN: Gimme that!

[KEVIN takes the shoelace.]

[Shot past KEVIN of PAUL.]

PAUL: But I just saw her! [Gestures.]

KEVIN: No you didn't, Paul.

[Shot of KEVIN shaking his head.]

[Close shot of PAUL.]

PAUL: But I'm sure I -

[KEVIN crosses his arms, shakes his head and smiles.]

KEVIN: No you didn't, Paul. You did not see my mother, Paul - do I make myself clear?

[KEVIN glares at PAUL.]

[Close shot of PAUL as he frowns.]

[Sound of school bell.]

PAUL: Oh...

TEACHER [V/O]: Take you seats, please!

[Shot past PAUL of KEVIN. PAUL takes his seat. KEVIN sighs, and puts the shoelace in his shirt pocket.]

NARRATOR: OK, I'd weaseled my way out of it.

[KEVIN glances around the other students.]

NARRATOR: But it was clear if I was gonna survive this...

[KEVIN turns forward.]

NARRATOR: I was gonna have to lay low. Avoid public situations.

[The fire-alarm rings. KEVIN looks up.]

NARRATOR: Like, say...

[High shot of the class.]

CLASS: Fire-drill!

[The students stand and hurry off. KEVIN follows.]

Cut to


[Wide shot of students exiting the building to the parking lot.]

NARRATOR: Now, ordinarily a junior-high fire-drill has all the excitement of a four-week vacation packed into ten minutes.

[Shot of KEVIN and PAUL walking through the crowd.]

NARRATOR: But when everyone else was partying...

[The camera pans across the kids toward the building. MR. DIPERNA and NORMA are in the background.]

NARRATOR: I was busy keeping watch.

[Shot of PAUL and KEVIN.]

KEVIN: There she is.

[KEVIN hides behind PAUL.]

PAUL: Who?

KEVIN: My mother!

[PAUL frowns.]

KEVIN: What's she doing now?

PAUL: Oh. She's talking to Mr. Diperna.

[KEVIN frowns.]

KEVIN: Diperna?!

[Close shot of MR. DIPERNA and NORMA. NORMA holds MR. DIPERNA's arm as they talk and smile.]

NARRATOR: Great. Invading my turf wasn't bad enough - now she was fraternizing with the enemy.

[Shot of KEVIN and PAUL.]

KEVIN: This is unbelievable!

[PAUL turns toward KEVIN.]

PAUL: Kev? Aren't you making kind of a big deal out of this? I mean, look at you - hiding from your own flesh-and-blood? [Shrugs.]

NARRATOR: Easy for him to say.

[Shot of MR. DIPERNA and NORMA.]

NARRATOR: It wasn't his flesh-and-blood.

[Shot of KEVIN and PAUL.]

KEVIN: Paul, just stay out of this, OK?

PAUL: Oh, come on! [Gestures.] What's she doing to hurt you?

KEVIN: Well...

NARRATOR: And suddenly, I felt ashamed. Paul, as usual, was right.

[Shot of MR. DIPERNA and NORMA. NORMA spots KEVIN and mouths: "Oh, there he is...", and points.]

NARRATOR: This was my mother.

[Close shot of KEVIN relaxing.]

NARRATOR: And for that one moment, I actually forgave her.

NORMA [V/O]: Yoo-hoo!

[Shot MR. DIPERNA and NORMA. She waves and smiles.]

NORMA: Yoo-hoo! Hi, honey!

[Shot of KEVIN.]

NARRATOR: Just for a moment, though.

[Shot from KEVIN's perspective of MR. DIPERNA and NORMA in the distance, as all the kids turn and laugh.]

[Shot of PAUL turning toward KEVIN.]

[Shot from KEVIN's perspective of MR. DIPERNA and NORMA in the distance, as all the kids continue to laugh.]

[Close shot of KEVIN frowning and glancing around.]

Cut to


[Shot of KEVIN facing his locker, dialing the combo.]

GIRLS [V/O]: Yoo-hoo!

[KEVIN turns around.]

[Shot of three girls.]

GIRLS: Kev-in!

[They laugh and turn away.]

[Shot of KEVIN turning back to his locker, as the girls walking away goggling.]

NARRATOR: Possibly it had been the longest seven periods in my life in formal education.

[KEVIN opens his locker.]

[A boy approaches carrying a basketball.]

BOY: Hi, hon-ey!

[The boys smiles and walks past the camera, as KEVIN glances at him.]

NARRATOR: In one fell swoop...

[Close shot of KEVIN sighing and leaning his head against the locker.]

NARRATOR: I'd plunged from the top third of coolest...

[PAUL approaches his locker and dials his combo.]

NARRATOR: To the bottom of the barrel.

[KEVIN frowns, shuts PAUL's locker, and points his finger.]

KEVIN: This is your fault!

[Close shot of PAUL.]

PAUL: Mine?!

[Close shot of KEVIN.]

KEVIN: Why does this have to happen to me?!
[Close shot of PAUL sighing.]

PAUL: It happened because your mother cared enough to say hello when she saw you.

[Shot past PAUL of KEVIN, as PAUL re-dials.]

NARRATOR: But somehow, I doubted that.

KEVIN: Paul, what am I gonna do?

[Close shot of PAUL.]

PAUL: Well...[shrugs]...there's only one thing to to her. Tell her how you feel. [Smiles.]

[Shot past PAUL of KEVIN.]

KEVIN: I don't know...[shakes head]...I don't - I don't think so.

GIRLs [V/O]: Kev-in! Yoo-hoo!

[KEVIN frowns, and PAUL looks over his shoulder.]

[Shot of a girl making a big kissing sound, and smiling.]

[Shot of KEVIN and PAUL looking at each other.]

Cut to


[Shot of the stairs as KEVIN descends.]

[Shot of NORMA taking closes from the dryer.]

[Shot of KEVIN on the stairs.]

KEVIN: Mom! We gotta talk.

[Shot of NORMA putting clothes on the ironing board.]

NORMA: How do ya mean?

[Shot of KEVIN on the stairs.]

KEVIN: Well, see...

[Shot of NORMA with the laundry, smiling at KEVIN off-screen.]

NARRATOR: One little problem here.

[Shot from behind NORMA as KEVIN approaches.]

NARRATOR: How do you explain "cool" to a forty-year-old housewife...

[Shot of NORMA folding socks.]

NARRATOR: Who folds your sweatsocks?
[Close shot of KEVIN.]

KEVIN: How'd it go today?

[Close shot of NORMA looking up and pausing in thought.]

NORMA: Well - I think it went OK! [Smiles.] Actually, I was a little nervous. [Sighs.]

[Shot of KEVIN.]

NORMA [V/O]: It was just all so different than what I expected.

[Shot of NORMA smiling and folding clothes.]

NORMA: But it was fun! I guess.

[She smiles and nods.]

NORMA: Once I get my typing up to speed, I know I'll really enjoy the job.

[Close shot of KEVIN.]


[Close shot of NORMA turning toward the laundry.]

NARRATOR: And...that was that.

[Shot of KEVIN as he turns to leave, then turns back.]

NARRATOR: Except, somehow I knew...I had to face this thing head-on.

KEVIN: Listen - Mom?

[Shot of NORMA looking at KEVIN expectantly.]

NARRATOR: This wasn't gonna be easy.

[Shot of KEVIN thinking.]

NARRATOR: It was gonna take tact...finesse.

KEVIN: When we're at school...[gestures]...could you maybe just...not talk to me?

[NORMA pauses and looks at KEVIN.]

[Shot of KEVIN.]

KEVIN: Or, notice me...or, even look at me? [Gestures.]

[Shot of NORMA looking slightly puzzled.]

[Shot of KEVIN smiling.]

KEVIN: You know, cuz I'd rather people didn't know you were there at all.

[NORMA glances off, then at KEVIN.]

NORMA: Well, of course, Kevin.

[Shot of KEVIN.]

[shot of NORMA looking away and gesturing.]

NORMA: If that's what you'd like.

[NORMA looks at KEVIN and nods slightly, then looks down. She looks up agin, then off.]

[Shot of KEVIN looking down, then sighing and turning away.]

NARRATOR: Uh-huh. Winston Churchill, himself, couldn't have handled it better.

Cut to


[NORMA pull up and parks.]

NARRATOR: Still, over the next few days, things kinda...changed.

[KEVIN and NORMA get out. NORMA walks away.]

NARRATOR: Now that we'd had our little talk, Mom was as good as her word.

Cut to


NARRATOR: And while I worked to patch my injured image.

[KEVIN turns and sees NORMA talking and smiling with the teacher. She looks up at KEVIN suddenly and pauses, then walks away.]

NARRATOR: Norma Arnold turned into a stranger.

[KEVIN tosses his magazine down and sighs.]

Cut to


NARRATOR: By Friday, I guess I was feeling pretty lousy about what I'd done. Face it, what harm was Mom actually doing me?

TONY: Hey, buddy! I hear your old lady's working for the brass.

NARRATOR: Ask a stupid question...

KEVIN: Tony!

NARRATOR: Tony Barbella - RFK's answer to Java Man.

TONY: Listen, don't mind if I call you "Arnold", do ya?

KEVIN: Well -

TONY: See I need to ask you a favor...if that's alright with you.

KEVIN: Well -

TONY: I need a pass. You know the green ones - "get outta jail free"?

KEVIN: Oh...

TONY: And, uh, since you got, uh, family connections in the front office - I figured you were the guy to come to.

KEVIN: Well, Tony...of course I'd like to help you, but...just because my mom-

TONY: I understand the problems, the logistics. L-listen if you do this...

[Tony taps KEVIN on the nose with his comb.]

TONY: I would really...really...really...really, appreciate it.

[Tony flicks a small smile, then exits.]

Cut to


[Shot of KEVIN entering the office.]

NARRATOR: I was mad. I'd been led to a life of crime.

[Shot of NORMA typing.]

NARRATOR: And I knew by whom. The real culprit was right behind that counter.

[Shot of KEVIN approaching the counter.]


[Shot past KEVIN as NORMA looks up, surprised.]

NORMA: Oh, Kevin! What are you doing here?

[Shot of KEVIN.]

KEVIN: I, uh...forgot my lunch money. [Smiles and gestures.]

[Shot past KEVIN as NORMA points behind her.

NORMA: Honey, my purse is just back there - would you mind just coming in to get it?

[Close shot of KEVIN smiling.]

KEVIN: Sure!

[KEVIN walks around the outside of the counters.]

NARRATOR: Ah, the devious depths of the criminal mind.

[KEVIN hesitates, looks at NORMA, then enters.]

NARRATOR: OK, so I knew it was wrong.

[KEVIN starts to get money from NORMA's purse, and sees the clipboard with passes in front of him.]

NARRATOR: I had no choice.

[KEVIN glances over his shoulder and looks at NORMA.]

[Shot of NORMA from behind as she types.]

[Shot of KEVIN slowly ripping a pass off the clipboard.]

NARRATOR: Besides, after all I'd been through, what court in the world would convict me?

[Close shot of NORMA turning around, and frowning.]

NORMA: Kevin?

[KEVIN turns in surprise, with the pass in his hand.]

NARRATOR: And suddenly...

[Close shot of NORMA frowning.]

NARRATOR: Court was in session.

[Shot of NORMA turned toward KEVIN in the background, and he hides the pass behind his back.]

KEVIN: I, uh...

[MR. DIPERNA opens the door to his office and steps out.]

MR. DIPERNA: Uh, Mrs. Arnold...[glances at KEVIN]...could I speak with you, please?

[NORMA and KEVIN look at each other, then NORMA smiles at MR. DIPERNA.]

NORMA: I'll be right in.

MR. DIPERNA: As soon as possible, please.

[He enters his office.]

[NORMA and KEVIN look at each other.]

NORMA: Well, I have to get to work.

[NORMA looks at KEVIN as she enter Mr. Diperna's office.]

[KEVIN sets the pass down, sighs, and exits.]

[Bell rings.]

Fade to


[NORMA sets her box of things on the hood of the car.]

[KEVIN sees her in the distance.]


[The camera backs up as he runs toward it.]

NARRATOR: Suddenly the Tony Barbella's of the world seemed like small potatoes.

[Wide shot of NORMA at the car as KEVIN approaches.]


[Close shot past NORMA of KEVIN.]

KEVIN: About what happened...

[Close shot past KEVIN of NORMA looking at him.]

KEVIN: It wasn't what it looked like.

[Shot past NORMA of KEVIN glancing down, then looking at NORMA.]

KEVIN: Anyway, I-I didn't take that pass.

[Shot past KEVIN of NORMA. She smiles slightly, and nods.]

NORMA: I know.

[She turns back to her box of things.]

[Shot past NORMA of KEVIN.]


[Close shot of NORMA. She turns and frowns.]

NORMA: Kevin - could we talk about this later? I'm...just a little distracted, right now.

[NORMA frowns and turns back to her box.]

[Close shot of KEVIN.]

[Close shot of NORMA looking toward KEVIN.]

NORMA: I just got my walking papers.

[she glances off, then back.]

NORMA: Mr. Diperna just fired me. [Smiles.]

[Close shot of KEVIN.]

KEVIN: Oh...

[Close shot of NORMA.]

NORMA: He said my typing wasn't up to snuff. And my dictation was...laborious.

[She smiles, then frowns and glances away.]

[Close shot of KEVIN looking surprised.]

KEVIN: He said that?

[Shot of NORMA. She smiles, swallows, and glances way.]

NORMA: I don't know. Maybe he's right.

[Close shot of KEVIN frowning.]

NORMA [V/O]: Anyway...

[Shot past KEVIN of NORMA as she picks up her box.]

NORMA: Now you know.

[She starts to unlock the back door.]

[Close shot of KEVIN.]

KEVIN: I'm really sorry, Mom.

[Shot of NORMA as she looks at KEVIN, then opens the door.]

NARRATOR: I guess even astronaut's wives had a bad day once in awhile.

[Close shot of KEVIN as he smiles and gestures.]

KEVIN: Want some company?

[Shot of NORMA shaking her head and putting her box on the back seat.]


[She puts her stuff away, then looks at KEVIN and frowns.]

NORMA: Could you take the bus? I think I'd like to go for a drive.

KEVIN: Sure. [Shrugs.]

[Shot past KEVIN of NORMA getting in the car.]

[Wider shot of the car as NORMA backs out, and drives away.]

Fade to


[KEVIN is looking out the window.]

WAYNE [V/O]: So where is she?

[Shot of WAYNE and JACK at the table. JACK is watching baseball on TV.]

WAYNE: I'm hungry. [Gestures.]

KEVIN: How should I know?! [Gestures.]

NARRATOR: That night I didn't feel up to explanations.

[Close shot of JACK turning from the TV to KEVIN.]

JACK: Something happen at school?

[Shot of KEVIN next to the sink.]

KEVIN: No! I-I mean...nothing that I know of.

[Wider shot from behind KEVIN. JACK and WAYNE are in the background.]

NARRATOR: I knew I was gonna be in trouble for what I'd done, but, that's not what troubled me most.

[Close shot of KEVIN leaning on the counter, looking down.]

NARRATOR: Standing in that kitchen where Mom had made her family grilled-cheese sandwiches for last eighteen years, I knew that something had changed.

[Sound of NORMA pulling up, and flash of headlights on KEVIN's face. KEVIN turns toward JACK and WAYNE.]

[Shot of WAYNE and JACK.]

JACK: About time...

WAYNE: Um-hmmm.

[JACK adjusts the TV.]

[Close shot of KEVIN.]

KEVIN: Dad? Wayne?

[Shot of WAYNE and JACK looking toward KEVIN.]

NARRATOR: The least I could do was prepare them for the shattered soul who would walk through that door.

[Shot of the door as NORMA enters quickly, smiling.]

NORMA: Hi! [Smiles.] Anybody hungry?

[Shot of WAYNE and JACK.]

JACK: Uh-hnnnnn. [Smiles.]

[Wide shot of KEVIN in the kitchen as NORMA enters. She sets a package on the counter and walks past KEVIN.]

NORMA: Sorry! I lost track of time.

[She sets her purse on the counter, and gestures toward JACK.]

NORMA: We'll eat in twenty minutes.

[NORMA pulls a pan from the refrigerator.]

[Close shot of KEVIN watching NORMA.]

NORMA [V/O]: Just let me get this casserole in the oven.

[NORMA crosses toward the oven.]

[Shot of NORMA closing the oven. KEVIN is in the background. NORMA looks toward JACK off-screen.]

NORMA: Oh! And I stopped by and picked up the crumb-cake you all love. [Smiles.]

[Shot of WAYNE and JACK.]

JACK: Oh...

[Shot of NORMA and KEVIN as NORMA gestures and approaches.]

NORMA: You need that freshened, honey?

[Shot of NORMA taking JACK's glass.]

NARRATOR: It was incredible!

[Shot of KEVIN watching NORMA as she returns to the kitchen.]

NARRATOR: This was the most un-shattered soul I'd ever laid eyes on.

[NORMA pulls an ice-try from the freezer at moves to the counter.]

NARRATOR: She seemed...happy. Almost confidant. Almost...

[Shot from behind KEVIN of NORMA looking at him.]

NORMA: Oh, Kevin - did you tell your father about school today?

[Shot past NORMA of KEVIN. He looks surprised.]

NARRATOR: Completely out of her mind.

[Shot of WAYNE and JACK.]

JACK: What about school?

[Shot of NORMA and KEVIN. They look toward JACK off-screen, then each other. NORMA looks toward JACK again.]

NORMA: I won't be working there anymore.

[Close shot of JACK looking puzzled.]

JACK: What? Why?

[Shot of KEVIN looking at NORMA as she looks at JACK off-screen.]

NORMA: Well, it's pretty simple, really. [Smiles.]

[She looks at KEVIN.]

[Shot past NORMA of KEVIN.]

NARRATOR: And I knew she was gonna tell them. About everything.

[Shot past KEVIN as NORMA looks up at him.]

[Shot past NORMA of KEVIN glancing from NORMA to JACK's drink in her hand.]

[Shot of KEVIN looking at NORMA as she looks at JACK off-screen.]

NARRATOR: Only for some reason - she didn't.

NORMA: It's just not the right job for me. [Shrugs.] Not right now. And, I think I can do better! [Smiles.]

[Shot past NORMA of KEVIN watching her.]

[Shot past KEVIN of NORMA. She nods toward JACK.]

NORMA: So I won't be going back there.

[She looks down, then up at KEVIN, and nods slightly.]

NORMA: Right, honey?

[She pauses, then walks past the camera with JACK's.]

[Shot of WAYNE and JACK as NORMA hands the drink to JACK.]

JACK: Well, then...if that's what you want.

[Shot of NORMA.]

NORMA: That's what I want. [Nods.]

[Shot of KEVIN in the foreground as NORMA returns to the kitchen and checks the oven.]

NARRATOR: And in that moment...

[Shot past NORMA of KEVIN watching her.]

NARRATOR: I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt one thing about this woman I'd been so ashamed of.

[Shot of KEVIN and NORMA, with WAYNE and JACK in the background.]

[NORMA adjusts her apron and leans closer to KEVIN.]

NORMA: By the're grounded.

[NORMA walks to the refrigerator.]

[Close shot of KEVIN as he smiles.]

NARRATOR: She was pretty cool.

[Shot of NORMA at the sink in the foreground, as KEVIN walks to the table and sits down.]

Fade to


[NORMA is typing at the table. KEVIN rummages in a cabinet in the background.]

NARRATOR: When you're fourteen, change an everyday thing.

[Closer shot of KEVIN looking at a package.]

NARRATOR: You live with it every moment of your life.

[KEVIN looks toward NORMA.]

[Shot of NORMA in the foreground, typing.]

NARRATOR: That night, I understood for the first time that Mom's world was changing, too.

[Shot from KEVIN's perspective of NORMA.]

NARRATOR: Maybe more than mine.

[Shot of NORMA in the foreground as KEVIN looks in the cabinet.]

NARRATOR: Her family was growing up. She didn't have kids in pajamas anymore, asking -

[KEVIN approaches NORMA.]

KEVIN: Mom? Do we have any more hot-chocolate?

[NORMA turns.]

NORMA: Would you like me to make you some? [Smiles.]

KEVIN: Sure! [Smiles.]

[NORMA gets up and walks to the counter. KEVIN watches her, then looks at the typewriter.]

NARRATOR: Still, somehow...

[Close shot of the paper in the typewriter.]

[Close shot of KEVIN looking at it.]

NARRATOR: I knew that whatever change lay ahead...

[Very close shot of the application as KEVIN moves it, seeing "ARNOLD NORMA" in the name section.]

[Close shot of KEVIN smiling.]

NARRATOR: Norma Arnold would handle it.

NORMA [V/O]: Ready in a minute, honey!

Fade to


Supporting Cast
Tony Barbella - Anthony Nittoli
Mr. Diperna - Raye Birk

Please mail to Peter if you find any errors, or if you have any comments or suggestions.

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